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Solar Energy

Much of the energy consumed at Xamã comes from our solar panels. We make the most of the sunshine we have throughout the year.


Seu veículo elétrico também pode recarregar as energias enquanto você curte o nosso paraíso, mesmo que você não esteja hospedado na Xamã.
A recarga é gratuita para os nossos hóspedes.

Organic Garden

Sustainability and health go hand in hand: our guests and employees consume fresh, organic products with no added preservatives or pesticides.

Selective Collection and Recycling

At Xamã, garbage is separated and sent for recycling in partnership with the Preserve Pipa movement.

Collection Point for Batteries

These materials cannot be disposed of in any way in the common waste. That's why we forward this type of garbage so that it has a correct disposal.

Reusable Straws and Utensils

Our oceans no longer need plastics, so we only offer our guests reusable items.

Biodegradable Amenities

Our shampoos and soaps are biodegradable, decompose without harming nature, reducing the impact we generate. 


We have a biodigester that receives and processes all our organic waste and also produces a biological fertilizer that is used in all our plants.


Part of the gas used in our kitchen also comes from the biodigester, greatly reducing the emission of gases that would harm our paradise.